Wednesday, November 29, 2006

fucking copulating insects

is the meaning of fucking the same as copulating?
or does it depend on the tone in which the title of this post needs to be read? the first word, that is , fucking in this case, is a swear word, which is used to describe the fucked up ness, or in bridget jones terms, the "fuckwittage" of the rest of the phrase, i.e. "copulating insects". that explanation over, this post is about the black insects that lie sit on the wall under the tubelight outside medusa's door, and the ones that enter her room in the dead of the night and scare the shit out of her.
after something like two and a half Weeks, medusa realized that both the insects are one and the same, and then for another half week she had to wonder why the inside insects are double the size of the outside ones. the answer, when arrived at, proved to be simple. the inside insects are actually two of the outside ones, joined together at the place where their asses should be, and flying away to glory, possibly copulating.
but the question the remains unanswered, why do they have to fuck inside medusa's room when they can do it outside as well?


  1. Perhaps they're shy.

  2. gothprincess enjoyed reading the incestuous insect post..perhaps they'd like you to start off an insect-specific issue of playboy magazine!

  3. Anonymous3:40 PM

    thats because you dont allow me to enter your room.

  4. Anonymous1:49 AM morbid mairee
    nyaka zaake bole gross

  5. Hi medusa, I,m thinking one of the insects was romantic & wanted ti take the other one someplace nice. viola! your room. I hope they weren't squished for it. :)

  6. hmm I think it's the matter of personal choice....

  7. strange flies...
